This document contains both (1) the entire core information about the distinctive characters, groups, technological devices, stories, images, nature, features and concepts of the MovieTrekker Universe; and, (2) a license about how you can and cannot use the MovieTrekker Universe in your own creative works.
The MovieTrekker Universe is a compassionate science fiction universe where humans and aliens serve together in a fleet of military spaceships to explore and protect a group of planets. It is both an original creation and a parody of several different fictional universes.
In the future, humans unite in a utopian society and venture beyond our solar system. Our first mission goes to The Etherium, a pre-industrial planet. That mission discovers that our solar system lies on an isolated edge of an alien empire. In time, we ally ourselves with the enslaved Etherions, liberate them and integrate them into our newly chartered Interplanetary Alliance. During the next century, we build a fleet of spaceships to contact other isolated planets to join the Alliance and liberate other planets from the empire. It is a time of great change: new technologies, discovery of new worlds and new societies, growing size and power of the Alliance but also the challenge of a larger imperial adversary slowly turning more and more attention to try to split apart the smaller Alliance and take control of its member planets.
Captain Thomas “Tom” “Captain” “The Captain” T. Pike: the handsome, athletic, roguish human captain of the Constellation, called “Tom” by his friends.
Dr. Illiian Spoick: the serious, pointy-eared Etherion alien who is the second in command and a computer and science expert.
Dr. Maximilian “Doc” “Max” “Mac” McCoiry: the humanistic, compassionate, emotional human medical doctor who is third in command, called “Doc” by the crew, called “Max” by his friends, only Tom calls him “Mac”.
Bytelore: the android who is fourth in command.
Interplanetary Alliance (IPA): the group of planets that are united in a mission of peace and protection.
Interplanetary Fleet (IPF): the military organization that serves the Interplanetary Alliance.
The Etherium: Spoick’s home planet, comparable to ancient Athens in culture, technology and architecture.
Etherion: An alien race that inhabits The Etherium. They are generally peaceful, intellectual, abstract thinkers, natural mathematicians and natural strategists. Their appearance is humanoid with some physical traits similar to the mythological elf.
Constellation: The flagship of the Interplanetary Fleet.
Spartan Empire: An empire of militaristic, hostile humanoid aliens.
communicator: a person-to-person communication device.
diffuser: a handheld or spaceship energy weapon.
slipstream beam: a technology to transport people from one place to another.
ion drive or ion engine: a technology to propel a spaceship from one planet to another.
slipstream drive or slipstream engine: a technology to propel a spaceship from one solar system to another.
The “MovieTrekker Universe user logo” is:
The “MovieTrekker Universe multiple characters artist’s rendition #1” is:
The “MovieTrekker Universe Captain Tom Pike artist’s rendition #1” is:
The “MovieTrekker Universe Dr. Illian Spoick artist’s rendition #1” is:
The “MovieTrekker Universe Dr. Max McCoiry artist’s rendition #1” is:
The “MovieTrekker Universe Bytelore artist’s rendition #1” is:
The “MovieTrekker Universe apparel design #1” is:
The MovieTrekker Universe “No-Hassle” License describes the conditions and restrictions that you accept and must comply with when you use MovieTrekker Universe characters, stories, images, nature and/or other features in your own creative works. Under this license, you may use MovieTrekker Universe characters, stories, images, nature and/or features to produce your own creative works, both for commercial use and non-commercial use.
“License” refers to the “MovieTrekker Universe License”. The MovieTrekker Universe License is this section of this document.
“Licensor” refers to Daniel W. Howard.
“Licensee” refers to you.
“MovieTrekker Universe Materials” refers to “MovieTrekker Universe characters, groups, technological devices, stories, images, nature and/or other MovieTrekker Universe distinctive features” described in this document. It does not refer to other MovieTrekker materials outside this document. It does not refer to non-MovieTrekker materials within or outside this document.
“Your Works” refers to artistic works that you create using MovieTrekker Universe Materials.
This is version of this document, created on 2018-09-04, last modified on 2019-01-13. The status of this license is CLOSED to new licensees, new licensed works or new licensed uses.
1. Your Works must display “MovieTrekker Universe unofficial product” such that it is visible, prominent and readable at all times and at all angles. For example, a book could show the phrase in the footnote section at the bottom of each page and the front and back covers, a video could show the phrase continuously in the lower right corner and a t-shirt could show the phrase on the front and back sides (only the front if the back is empty) above the belt area.
2. Licensee may use MovieTrekker Universe Materials to create written stories of any length for free or for sale in the form of but not limited to printed books and audio books.
3. Licensee may use MovieTrekker Universe Materials to create videos or films of any length for free or for sale. Licensee may provide, license or allow streaming of videos or films for free or for a price. Licensee may provide, license or allow media discs such as DVD to be made of videos or films for free or for a price. Licensee may present (“play”) videos or films at appropriate venues, including but not limited to film festivals and movie theaters.
4. Licensee may use MovieTrekker Universe Materials to create video games for free or for sale.
5. Licensee may use MovieTrekker Universe Materials to create apparel, including but not limited to costumes and t-shirts, for free or for sale but only using the images specified for apparel. The images may not be altered except by resolution.
6. Licensor agrees that no license fee will be owed for use of the License.
7. Licensee agrees not to use MovieTrekker Universe Materials in a social network as a user name or in the promotion of a social network. However, it is permissible for Licensee to create pages or buy ads on a social network to promote Your Works.
8. Licensee may use MovieTrekker Universe Materials but they must be presented unaltered, except for resolution, in their entirety. For example, a MovieTrekker Universe user logo could not be altered to appear to be a MovieTrekker official logo.
9. Licensee agrees to display, discuss, offer or sell Your Works only in venues appropriate to Your Works. For example, while pornographic works are permissible, you must only offer pornographic works in venues where other unrelated but similar pornographic works are being offered.
10. Licensee agrees to transfer all rights to Licensor for any material that Licensor judges to be “canon” in the MovieTrekker Universe at Licensor’s discretion. This clause is intended to limit lawsuits between licensees related to characters, groups, technological devices, nature, features or concepts but not related to expression. For example, Licensor may judge a new character name and new character concept of Licensee to be “canon” and allow it to be used freely by other licensees but Licensee could still sue other licensees who copied his or her film in violation of copyright.
11. Licensor is the sole rights holder of the MovieTrekker Universe and may enter into additional licenses or contracts, for free or for pay, with new or modified terms, with individuals or groups at Licensor’s discretion. Licensor may close this license at any time to new licensees and new works by existing licensees.
12. Licensee agrees to indemnify Licensor for Licensee’s use of the License.
13. Licensee must comply with the terms of the License if the terms apply.
14. Your rights under this License cannot be revoked, and are perpetual, unless you breach the terms of the License, in which case your rights terminate.
15. If any provision of the License is determined to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable, the remaining terms will remain in full force if the essential terms of the License remain valid, binding, and enforceable.
16. The License is governed by the laws of the state of California.
17. If a dispute arises under the License, Licensor and Licensee agree to first try to resolve the dispute with the help of a mutually agreed-upon mediator in Santa Clara County. If the dispute is not resolved within 90 days after it is referred to the mediator, Licensor or Licensee may take the matter to court.
18. If you are using the License to commit legal fraud, you forfeit the right to continue using the License.
19. All other rights and uses not specified in the License are prohibited.
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